viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

My favourite web-site

My favorite web-site in my field is, this is a public service web-site, autonomous, and private. The web-site is the portal for Chilean educational community and his purpose is provide specific topics and interest from different areas on education, and is from all the people, all the members from the national community, to the schools, teachers, students, and the directives. The web-site was made for the all Chilean families, the parents and children. The access does not require previous registration.
This website is really good because in this page the teachers or the futures teachers, learning a lot with documents about all the school system and the quality of the education right now, and all the process of the students in the classroom. This page is a space for provides information to the educational experiences about different teachers, students, and families around the country, and with different realities.
This website has different areas: teachers, students, family, management, and recourses. My favorite is the teacher’s area, because in this topic I found material for my university subjects, and for the practice with the children in the nursery school.
I can visit the educational experiences section, these are a lot of papers and files with information of activities, and experiences by docents to different schools, and helps a lot for do a good job in my practice-work.

1 comentario:

  1. hello Cristina,

    I think this one website is very important when you like know the look that have the Government, the families, the teachers, and the students about of the education in this country and, beside this page can be a tool for all the persons interested in the different areas that have the education.

    For this to my also this website is very interesting
