viernes, 11 de junio de 2010


My favorite photograph is one beautiful picture of my familiar photo album ,is practically the only how appear all my family, this photography has been took in 1992, when I had 6 years old, I like a lot this picture because in this appear my father, my mother and my brother and sister, in this times the problems doesn’t exist for my family, we are very happy and a really good family without any problems and discussions , the image shows a beautiful family, this picture captures the happiness and the family love. This picture has took in winter vacation in a big cottage in the Austral road in one big family and friends vacation, we are a lot of people in this place, I remember all my parents friends and all the parties and fun in those days are very incredible and amazing for a child, I spend a really good moments here, the view and the landscape was really amazing , I play a lot with my sister, my baby brother in this times, and all my cousins and friends, in a place full off people, we did different types of games and we went for a walk in the cold afternoons. All the people in this cottage enjoy the vacations with a really good atmosphere, in this times all the things are much better than now, my family very close and happy. With these photograph I remember my childhood and the best moments of my life, without preoccupations and any problem.

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm sure it's a lovely picture! I agree with you, photos with family are the best, especially when they show the best times of our lives!


  2. I wish i cut see the photograph, it's great to be a child ! sometimes i think we all miss it.

