viernes, 18 de junio de 2010


My experience in the blog is don’t the best, because it’s very difficult for me talk about my life and thinks about me, it’s very difficult expressing about me in English,
I don’t have the experience writing in English, my grammar its horrible, but certainly you have notice that. In personal I think these blogs are a very good tool for improve our vocabulary and grammar especially when you don’t have the opportunity for practice all the days, I don’t have an English classes since the school in 2005, so I practically forgot a lot of things because I haven’t practice.
I love English and I hope one day know a lot of this language, but for this thing happen I need a lot of more practice with tools how the blogs that we are made in this class, I want know so much more about this language, so I need to say that the blogs helps a lot for me, for learn a lot of things in this language in vocabulary, grammar and for conjugate verbs, thing very hard for me.
In my opinion I enjoy a lot with this work, because with these blogs I prove myself how much I have learn and get better in this language, personally I think blogging in the English class it’s an advantage because all the things said before, but equally is a disadvantage because I think that level it’s very hard for people how got a very poor gasp in English. In my case I don’t know if I have improves in English with this blogs, maybe , but I don’t feel like that, It’s still difficult for me thinks in English for write and said, and expressing that in a idea , maybe with more practice and more blogs in a future.

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