jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015

September 11th

This date it´s very important for our country because It´s a day very sad and historically important. Before 42 years ago in Chile armed force attack to the "Unidad Popular" government to the president Salvador Allende , and the military’s take the control to Chile for the force. To many people dead this day and it´s the end of a really good idea of government, who end with this military control. I feel very sad for this thing happened because the civil resistance lost a battle and the country never was the same after this horrible date, before this date the dictator Augusto Pinochet and the military government take the absolute control , and kill a lot of innocent people only for have a different political ideas. He hunt all the people who considerate inappropriate for him so the people live with a lot of afraid and fear, because he and his aliases torture very hard to an innocent citizens and put they in a concentration camps in horrible conditions like a prisioners. The Pinochet government was horrible because he violated all the possible human rights, these act of violence and cruelty never been justified, and all the responsible persons need to pay for this crimes , it´s very fair complain about the awful success happened in the past , some people today are very angry about all this. The state of Chile must deal without any compassion to all the abhorrent people responsible for these crimes, because we need to the killers who still alive pay with life imprisoned in a real awful jail. For me of course than the theme it´s not outdated because the criminals never pay for the crimes, and the people who been affected it´s still angry and of course really hurt, they need and all the society needs justice and peace in our country, and unfortunately if still have a group of persons who defend the dictator and his government we never be a united and peaceful country. This date affect the life of people who lives in the country because the atmospheres turn different, exist a lot of fear in the citizens to the September 11th because the police go out to the streets for repress all the possible manifestations of people and otherwise exist a group or persons who produced act of unjustified violence and disorder in the streets as a protest. In my particular case I live near the University so the landscape sometimes it´s very chaotic, because the streets are all full of police forces and they repress all the students whogo out to protest.

2 comentarios:

  1. the military government caused much pain, fear and death, each person who participated should be punished. I would like my country to stop being afraid

  2. yes, this date is very sad, and because to the memory of all that happened at this time, people still afraid to manifest and demand their rights.
