viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

Earthquake in chile

On the 27th I woke up very early in the morning because I had to do a lot of things in my house especially cleaning, so , I spent all my day doing it because on Saturday 28th my family arrived to Santiago after a great vacationS in the south of Chile in Lonquimay.After that at three o'clock I was going to my best friend's house,because that night we had a party in her house, but first in the afternoon we went to the park, called Plaza Ñuñoa, to eat ice creem.Then we went to the supermarket for buy drinks for the party.
At 9 o`clock the people arrived, we danced a lot all the night and we had a really good party, I spent a really good time there. So... the horrible hour came! , at first I didn't feel the movement of the earth but as the earthwuake started very hard I was very scared, especially for my family , because I didn't have any idea about their condition.At that moment I only thought about them. Very quickly I went to the yard and I start to pray for the earthuake to stop but the time passed very slowly.The car alarms made a terrible noise and the buildings in the street were moving so much, I was really pretty scared in that moment, they were the most horrible minutes in my whole life .After a lot of thoughts I only thought ..."I'm going to die here in this house with a lot of strangers and without my family": this feeling is awful, I felt very sad but above all frightened.

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