viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

is Catholic church in crisis?

The catholic church is in crisis in the recents weeks in Chile, all the scandals are not recently, about all the history of the catholic church exist a lot of troubles in this theme, is not a recently problem, in all the counties happened a same thing, scandals related to abuses always have a problem for the church, the point is how the institution confront the problem, for example how the church laws sistem provides a good punishment or defense in the respective cases.
This is a really big trouble, especially in a country with a 69.9% catholic population, all the credibility for priest and deacons, and all the institution in this moment have lost popularity because of this , for all the cases to abuses, and pedophilia. Maybe if exist other formation for the priest for example abolish the celibacy, the cases of abuses decrease in an important number.
But I think maybe exist priests are wrongly acussed, because that is a possibility,not all the priest are bad and crazy.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I agree with you because in my opinion celibacy is one of the most ridiculous rules of the Catholic Church, and while they cannot improve this, trust in them is really hard to me.
