jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

“Pride and prejudice”

Well for be very honest in this period of the year I find myself very lazy to read books of my interest because I ended the university this semester so I need read so much for my final university investigation, this thing it´s a little frustrating because I enjoy very much reading things without pressure but sadly I couldn’t read all that I want. But exist some classical books than I always read no matter what, every free time I enjoy reading very much these books, one of my list it´s a very classical novel written for an English author Jane Austen, the name of the books it´s “pride and prejudice” I’m in love to this book since I was a teenager.
Maybe in general the people think than Jane Austen it´s too much romantic and classical writer but I don’t care because the principal character always finishes with a happy ending
“Price and prejudice” it´s a story about the Bennet’s family who lived in the early 19 century in England, Austen in this novel tell us the history of the five daughters Bennet’s marriage who want to get married as soon as possible except the rebel Elizabeth. One day come to the town one handsome and rich bachelor called Mr. Bingley and his loyalty friend Mr. Darcy .The sister of Elizabeth, Jane falls in love with Mr. Bingley , but the people, especially Mr. Darcy not approve this relationship , for this reason the sister of Jane, Elizabeth hates him so much , but even before this she found him a very strange and arrogant person and hates so much him. But the times goes by and new things happen and Elizabeth thoughts and feelings start to change about this mysterious man.

5 comentarios:

  1. Yeah, i understand you, sometimes is difficult to read when the university is in the final period. Cheers !!

  2. I read Price and prejudice last year and I liked a lot. I have wanted to read another of Jane Austen´s novels since then.

  3. Cristina, "Pride and Prejudice" is a good book, is true that it is too romantic, but is very beautiful. I was see the movie about the book and the band is very cool!

  4. I love that book, I fell in love with Mr. Darcy, I also love the film and the BBC series XD

  5. It is a good book!! I really like it too :) My hobby is reading romantic novels.
