jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015


Today I´m going to talk about one interesting topic. It´s all about be green. In general I try to be very honest and I need to say that I not be a really green person, basically for ignorance more than anything, but for all what happens today in our actually world, I consider very important become in an eco- friendly person, because we live in a period of the time when the global warming issue and all the several pollution problems are destroying the planet, our home, so we should be more eco -friendly with urgency. If we want to take care the place where we live, all the people need change the habits and be greener and concern about our world. Today I think it´s very important and relevant incorporate habits of recycling, I live in Ñuñoa and in this suburb of Santiago exist some recycle culture , for example all the Mondays you can take out the rubbish that can be used for recycling. Actually gradually I become in a person more interesting in my environment, because I have a son, so I think it´s my absolute responsibility be greener for leave a better world to him. I think it´s a great idea be a part of some organization who cares about this important subject, I would feel so great and useful if I have the opportunity for participated in some like that, but honesty I don’t have any clue about where there is one community organization in my suburb about this. I need to search one organization urgently. See you the next class.

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