jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Montessori method of teaching

Today I´m going to talk about one of the methods for teaching more interesting for me. This method for teaching was created by an Italian woman called Maria Montessori, she was the first female doctor to her country and she revolutionized the education area with her method. Also she was a physician and educator, for this reason all her live investigated the children’s mind and finally created this education system. Her method today is in use, because it´s really effective and innovative, this education it´s a constructivist model, than help to the infants to explore his environment and building a significant learning for them, this is a really brilliant method because respects all the child´s natural stages of development, and not use the force for learning contrary to the most used approach today, the behaviorism. Sadly it´s not very popular for the people because is some expensive for the most of the countries accustomed to the traditional and boring education system designed so many time ago and very obsoleted according to the needs of the children in this century . It´s not so popular because this method need a trained Montessori educator and specific instruments or toys designed especially for this exclusive method, not any pedagogical instrument can´t be used . This it´s so terrible and alarming because all the children in the world need a greats education system than help them in all the areas to the life, and an education according to the present century and their needs.

3 comentarios:

  1. I do not know the method, I think it will investigate ..... but I think we all learn in different ways ... not sitting in a chair 8 hours....

  2. I think it is a great method. I also like the Steiner method, which also respects the natural develpment of each child. Unfortunately, all alternatives are more expensive.

  3. This method is very interesting, the only problem in Chile is that remains for an economic elite! :/
