jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

My pearls earrings

In my life I received a very different kind of gifts or presents so it´s very difficult for me choose one but thinking very much I think that I Have a favorite one for the emotional value because my parents gave me this present in my childhood . In this moment I didn't like very much, but with the pass of the time I loved my present so much. The present that I choose are pearl earrings, which they gave me in the Christmas when I was a teenager. I opened and I supposed that earrings are too expensive and fancy to be worn by a young teenager but later I understood the symbolism to the gift, for them this presents represents that I had not considerate a child anymore and they saw me like a young lady and not a kid anymore, so I felt very happy and proud for myself because they talked to me and they said who proud they felt, and they considerate me a responsible young woman capable to worn this values earrings. Now In the present I love my pearl earrings and in the future if I had a daughter I would give my precious present to her too.

3 comentarios:

  1. Sometimes we doesn't understand some presents until we grow up. I also have a earrings from my childhood that I love :)

  2. I like pearls. My lovely sister gave me some on a birthday. I dont wear them often but I think they are lovely

  3. Your pearls earrings are Pretty! That nice meaning have for you :)
