lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

Final post

Hello everyone today I’m going to talk about Mi experience in level 4.
I think in general this course is very great and very necessary for the university students, basically because it´s very important in these days learn the English language for enter to work world .My experience in this course it was very good, the teacher is very enthusiastic person for teaching and very professional.
I like the collaborative work with my partners, always we working in pairs or groups and this is great because constantly we practice the language in class doing an oral interactions.

In the not so positive ones maybe improve my attendance to the class, sometimes was very difficult to me have gone to class for personal reasons. And other think that maybe it´s very necessary improve for me is being more participative person in class, in general I’m a very shy person, so this point it´s a little complicated for me.

In general this was a really great experience, but I considered very important continue with the classes because after the pet practice I realize mi basic level of the language, so I need improve very much yet.

Thanks for everything miss, I hope see you soon.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

¿Why the Children in Nicaragua left out the school ?

Children in Nicaragua left out the school because the poverty
Nicaragua it´s the second country poorest in America, after Haiti, with a population of 6.1 million people, this country have more than 2 million of school aged children, and most of the half of all the children and teenager in Nicaragua live in poverty conditions.
Unicef estimates that a half million Nicaraguan children in the range of 3 to 17 years are not in the educational system, the majority live in rural areas of the country, or are poor , indigenous or disabled . In this country it´s so huge the level of poverty that the reports show almost 240.000 children in the range of 5 and 17 left out the school and start to work.
The International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) declared about the importance of their enormous challenge that they have about the child labor, they promise eradicate the worst forms of the child labour in 2016 and eradicate all the forms of child labour by 2020
The Nicaraguan government today has not the necessary plans to combat child labour, and protect their children’s.
In Bluefield for example (the biggest town on Nicaragua Atlantic coast) the children start to working very young in sugar canes crops, mines or quarries.
I choose this article because I thinks it’s very important know about the reality of some countries than not have resources for drives children to the school and it´s very relevant not ignore all the people who live in this horrible conditions and search news solutions for improve their quality of life.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015


Hi everybody!

Today I’m going to talk about a book that I reading at the moment WE, this book is called “Bosque Quemado” of Roberto Brodsky a Chilean writer and screenwriter. This book is a novel, specifically a V autobiographical novel of () 2008.

I started reading it because a friend recommended V, she was my mate and friends WW when I study WW literature,P/V she always recommends V me books and movies. Erika (my fiends WW) used this book for his WW thesis and someday WW in his WW house she shows me the WE book and said: you must to() read this!

Back to() home I started reading it on the bus and I read 40 pages in no time and loved V. The book tells about the Chilean exile and how a family is divided for this reason. But is not only about exile, because the story be interconnected with divorces, adultery, clandestine loves, distances, returns and the slow and painful death of his father for Alzheimer. Almost everything is a metaphor about a burned forest (Bosque Quemado) in the mind C of narrator, the main character and the author who is recognized as WE this character.
Finally, I leave you with one of my favorite quotes is () from this book:
"Busco desaparecer entre las frases, fundirme en el anonimato de una imagen y atrapar la luz que cuelga del cielo en violento contraste con la confusión incorregible que llevo cosida al pecho, inmovilizado detrás de un cristal opaco y duro que se enloza con los días"

WF= Wrong Form WW = Wrong Word v = Something Missing

(WO) = Word Order Sp = Spelling P = Punctuation

WE = Wrong Expression T = Wrong Tense ? = Not sure

C= Concordance between subject/determiner and verb ( ) = Not necessary

Hi everybody!
Today I’m going to talk about a book that I reading at the moment, this book is called “Bosque Quemado” of Roberto Brodsky a Chilean writer and screenwriter. This book is a novel, specifically an autobiographical one of 2008.
I started reading it because a friend recommended it to me, she was my mate and friend when I was studying literature and she always recommends to me books and movies. Erika (my fiend) used this book for her thesis and one day in her house she shows me this book and said: you must read this!
Back home I started reading it on the bus and I read 40 pages in no time and I loved it. The book tells about the Chilean exile and how a family is divided for this reason. But is not only about exile, because the story be interconnected with divorces, adultery, clandestine loves, distances, returns and the slow and painful death of his father for Alzheimer . Almost everything is a metaphor about a burned forest (Bosque Quemado) in the minds of the narrator, the main character and the author who recognize themselves with this character.

Finally, I leave you with one of my favorite quotes from this book:

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

“Pride and prejudice”

Well for be very honest in this period of the year I find myself very lazy to read books of my interest because I ended the university this semester so I need read so much for my final university investigation, this thing it´s a little frustrating because I enjoy very much reading things without pressure but sadly I couldn’t read all that I want. But exist some classical books than I always read no matter what, every free time I enjoy reading very much these books, one of my list it´s a very classical novel written for an English author Jane Austen, the name of the books it´s “pride and prejudice” I’m in love to this book since I was a teenager.
Maybe in general the people think than Jane Austen it´s too much romantic and classical writer but I don’t care because the principal character always finishes with a happy ending
“Price and prejudice” it´s a story about the Bennet’s family who lived in the early 19 century in England, Austen in this novel tell us the history of the five daughters Bennet’s marriage who want to get married as soon as possible except the rebel Elizabeth. One day come to the town one handsome and rich bachelor called Mr. Bingley and his loyalty friend Mr. Darcy .The sister of Elizabeth, Jane falls in love with Mr. Bingley , but the people, especially Mr. Darcy not approve this relationship , for this reason the sister of Jane, Elizabeth hates him so much , but even before this she found him a very strange and arrogant person and hates so much him. But the times goes by and new things happen and Elizabeth thoughts and feelings start to change about this mysterious man.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

My lovely cats

Since I was a little girl I love the cats. One day my mom adopted one cute kitten and with my sister and brother spend a lot of time played with him also we built a cutest little house made with one box of shoes, his name was “ gato” he lived 15 years , we love him so much but sadly he died from cancer . This incident was very sad for all of my family and very shocking because we loved our pet, but he was feline cancer. After my “gato” we have two other cats zizu and chiki . I didn’t know yet, but in this time we had a crazy neighbor, and he hated all pets in general and he had given rat poison to them, and this horrible act killed my babies. We couldn’t do anything for saved them; we arrived to the veterinary too late. Spent a lot of time after this horrible event and we decided adopt one cat again because the crazy neighbor not lived in the neighborhood anymore so I adopt two sisters female cats , mini and coyi. Today they are 10 years old and they are so healthy and gorgeous, I love my babies and if you ask me if I want have more cats, the answer is definitely!!
She is one of my two cats: mini <3 I love her so much!

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

English practice

I think my performance in the different areas it´s not so bad. In the two activities for reading sings when you read some sings and messages or things like that I score very well. In the part when you need have to match five people with eight specific courses, it´s was more complicated because you need read and understand very well what they said, but at the same as the others activities, these are not so terrible. The listening part I enjoyed very much because it´s really fun guess what the people say in English, but you need listen very well for not make some mistakes. In the vocabulary part my performance was poor; I need study so vocabulary in English., because I not understand some ideas and words.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Anne Frank

Today I’m going to talk about the person who I admire, she is Anne Frank, and she was a little young woman from German she was born in 12 June 1929. In my opinion she was born in the wrong place and the wrong time. I know Anne Frank because I had to read her dairy for the school, and her story is shocking and very sad for me.
She is a very popular person around the world because she wrote her famous dairy book published for the only family survivor to the war, her dad Otto Frank. All her history and life impressed me so much for all the things she lived. The book shows to the people how a little young girl faced a really awful and sad situation
She was a very brave woman who lived hidden with her family and other family friend during the second war in Amsterdam. In her free time she wrote a book talking about all her feelings, thoughts and other deep ideas.
Sadly all the family Frank and the other family friend were discovered for the Nazi people and all went to the Nazi concentration camps when Anna finally died in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp at age of 15 in February 1945.
Sadly never I got to know them she is dead but I admire all the courage and bravery than she had in her life.